April 11, 2014

Leigh and the Insaneorium

 Leigh, he of recent Apocalypse “Red Mist” fame, has started a blog at The Insaneorium, where he unashamedly exposes to all comers how far off he’s gone. If you want to see what extreme hobby can do to you, or your loved ones, go have a look before the men in black catch up and it all gets disappeared. You have been warned.

And in other new, tomorrow is Salute, and so it is time to get the orange shirt out again…


April 06, 2014

Quick magnet tip


I have started (at long last) assembling my 4 Necron Ghost/Doomsday Arks. They will be fully magnetised of course (thank you Nick Beer for the tutorial).

 A quick tip for glueing magnets in series: use a larger/different magnet as a reminder of which side is not to be glued.

  1. Glue magnets to the first series of components in one go (in my case the gauss flayer’s supports).
  2. Put the “magnet handle” on the other side of the magnet stack (or, if using another type of magnets, plop them onto the other side of the handle).
  3. Glue the magnets to the second series of components (in my case the gauss flayers).

This solves the problem of mixing polarities and having to fix things later. Been there, done that, did not like it one bit.

Magnet tip

Magnet tip

Magnet tip

Magnet tip

Magnet tip


Magnet tip