September 24, 2012

Necron goodness at Gamesday 2012

So, to get a few things out of the way:

  • The retail zone this year was amazingly well organised (actually, the entire Gamesday was a superb experience). There was plenty of space, the queues were long but moving quickly, there were far less grumpy customers (but some people can never be pleased…), and as a result the staff were far less stressed than in previous years – cashiers with a genuine smile at Gamesday, who would have thought? Following several years of intense frustration, a big Thank You to the organisers, for having listened and come up with a very good retail experience.
  • Yes, the Horus Heresy book was there. There were plenty available, and it is a very nice book. Far from cheap, but the quality of the book (and the contents!) make is well worth it.
  • Plenty of good stuff as per ever, amazing gaming tables, super enthusiastic GW & Forgeworld folks, the works.
  • At the Black Library I bought The Emperor's Might (and got it signed by John Blanche!), it is a superb book. It's even got some Necrons in it…
But the most important stuff (for this Necron fanatic anyway) was to be found at the Forgeworld stand. We know that the next Imperial Armour will feature Necrons, the Minotaurs and the Imperial Guard. No firm dates on publication, but April 2013 is a possibility.
 And below is a few of the Necron-y goodness we might find within when the book is finally released (there was also a folder of concept art to be perused, it's fair to say there is a bit of an obsession with insectoid forms for the Canopteks. Also, plenty of flyer concepts – yummy!)
The Necron Night Shroud:
The Necron Tesseract Ark:
The Necron Sentry Pylon:


 And terrain! One of FW's goals is to try and do dedicated terrain for the various xeno races, and the below might also make its way into IA12 (if it's finished in time). FW would also love to re-issue / create new Tyranid terrain, however there are severe technical difficulties with it, as the organic forms are pretty much impossible to remove from the molds.

Even if this Necron board section never gets released, it remains a good inspiration for custom-built terrain:


 As for my immediate future, I purchased a few Acanthrites. They should keep me busy for a while…


September 22, 2012

More 40k counters

This time around it's a bunch of counters I've used for the past few years - again the official GW counters (the green transparent plastic ones from 5th edition) just didn't do it for me. So I made my own, which I have now updated for 6th edition.

Print either version (20mm or 25mm), glue on top of bases if you want (again the Fenris ones aren't bad), and off you go.

I've also added some Apocalypse counters, for those really big games.

The file can be found here, feedback is appreciated!

In other news, I will be at Gamesday UK tomorrow, I'll be the guy in the orange dinosaur shirt.

September 04, 2012

Fixed the bad link

Thanks to Nick for pointing out the link did not work, it is now fixed. The markers can be found here.

Update - Nick's also posted a video on YouTube!

September 03, 2012

Updated objective markers

Nick at IDICBeer has kindly tested the objective markers, and suggested I add an 'X' one, to mark the objective with no value. So here is an updated sheet.
I have also added a two-sided night fighting token: simply glue the two tokens back to back (or glue them on either side of a 40mm disk).
The idea is that by having the token on the table at the start of the game, the players won’t forget to roll for night fighting. If night fighting does happen on turn 1, place the token moon-side up, and discard it at the end of the first turn. If there is no night fighting, place the token sun-side up. Ideally you then won't forget to roll again from turn 5. It's certainly not foolproof, but might help a bit.