June 23, 2012

Yay! It's summer!

It's summer alright. And the British weather being what it is, I felt compelled to stay inside, and work on a number of unfinished projects. So, in order:
  • tomb stalker the fifth, bursting from the ground. The most excellent base is from Anarchy Models (the web site is a bit pants – sorry Brian – but their stuff can also be ordered from Wayland Games).
  • monolith the eighth (and I think last) in a series.
  • 5 deathmarks I've had on my desk for months.


All WIP, but I've got good hope to complete them soon. As long as the weather holds…




June 10, 2012

New Apocalypse game means more craters!


So I went to Salute 2012 back in May, and met Andrew from Amera Plastic Mouldings. Following on my earlier disaster attempt to build apocalyptic craters, he very kindly agreed to show me how the professionals do it. I now have 20 of the very nice craters below, all that's left to do is trim and paint them. And if you want to buy some, Amera sells them here.
Our next Apocalypse game is scheduled for August 19, time to stop procrastinating and build some more Necrons!