December 28, 2009

Magnetised Screaming Bell - Part 5 - nearly done

A this stage we're close to completion.Here are the bell / furnace's bare bones:


Here are the various components:


Here is how the Rat Ogre and Plague Monks' chains fit:




The Plague Furnace:


The Screaming Bell:


Onto the next post for what remains to be done, and a tiny problem with the Grey Seer's hand.

Magnetised Screaming Bell - Part 4 - the front platform

No pictures for that one - the front platform will be glued in (I haven't done so yet as I want to paint each part of the bell / furnace separately). You just need to drill a hole into the platform, insert a single 1 x 2 mm magnet in there, and then add magnets to the bottom of Plague Monk and the brasier.

Magnetised Screaming Bell - Part 3 - the rear platform

Now it's time to magnetise the rear platform.

Step 17- glue 6 2 x 0.4mm magnets onto the sides of the bell / furnace.


Step 18: put a dab of paint on each magnet, then press the rear platform onto them. You will want to do this for each side of the platform.



Step 19: drill shallow holes on the 12 spots, and glue a 2 x 0.4mm magnet in each hollow. Again make sure you get the side of the magnets right.



Step 20: put some green stuff onto the holes which are in deep enough, and try and recreate the wood aspect.


Magnetised Screaming Bell - Part 2 - Bell and Furnace

Now we're getting serious. The axle for the bell / furnace is completely removed, and replaced with 6 magnets (all 1/8" x 1/16" discs). Here is the detail:

Step 7 - glue a magnet in each half-arch's hole. You will need to make the hole a tiny bit larger, a round file comes in handy here.


Step 8 - making sure you're not getting the side wrong (a dry-fit is essential at this stage), put a magnet in each part of the yoke. Note in the pictures below which side to be flush with.


Step 9 - saw the bottom axle off and replace with two 1 x 2 mm discs (green arrow). Again make sure you get the magnets' sides right.


Steps 10, 11 and 12: glue two 1/8" x 1/16" magnets to either side of the bell's axle, having sawn the axle off first (pink arrows at the top). Drill a hole into the bell's top and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet (green arrow). Finally, drill a hole in the Grey Seer's arm and insert a 2 x 0.4mm magnet in there (blue arrow at the bottom).


Step 13: drill a hole in the Grey Seer's hand and insert a 2 x 0.4mm magnet.


Step 14: drill a hole into the ornament and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet.


Steps 15 and 16: glue two 1/8" x 1/16" magnets to either side of the furnace's axle, having sawn the axle off first (only one is shown on the picture, there is one on the other side, pink arrow at the top). Drill a hole into the furnace's top and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet (green arrow).


Now we're getting serious. The axle for the bell / furnace is completely removed, and replaced with 6 magnets (all 1/8" x 1/16" discs). Here is the detail:

Step 7 - glue a magnet in each half-arch's hole. You will need to make the hole a tiny bit larger, a round file comes in handy here.

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Step 8 - making sure you're not getting the side wrong (a dry-fit is essential at this stage), put a magnet in each part of the yoke. Note in the pictures below which side to be flush with.

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Step 9 - saw the bottom axle off and replace with two 1 x 2 mm discs (green arrow). Again make sure you get the magnets' sides right.

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Steps 10, 11 and 12: glue two 1/8" x 1/16" magnets to either side of the bell's axle, having sawn the axle off first (pink arrows at the top). Drill a hole into the bell's top and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet (green arrow). Finally, drill a hole in the Grey Seer's arm and insert a 2 x 0.4mm magnet in there (blue arrow at the bottom).

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Step 13: drill a hole in the Grey Seer's hand and insert a 2 x 0.4mm magnet.

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Step 14: drill a hole into the ornament and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet.


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Steps 15 and 16: glue two 1/8" x 1/16" magnets to either side of the furnace's axle, having sawn the axle off first (only one is shown on the picture, there is one on the other side, pink arrow at the top). Drill a hole into the furnace's top and insert a 1 x 2 mm magnet (green arrow).


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Magnetised Screaming Bell - part 7 - finished

I fixed the oopsie:

First sawed the handle,


Added a bit of brass rod,


Verified that it fits,


Green suffed it.


Final bit:

Dug two grooves with the knife,



Added magnets and glued and green stuffed them (they're the smallest ones, 0.4 mm),


Added magnets to the pillar.


And now onto painting.

Magnetised Screaming Bell - Part 1 - Plague Monks & Rat Ogre

So I'd started glueing the thing together in order to do a Screaming Bell, as I thought using magnets would be too difficult, and I did not want a Plague Furnace anyway. Good thing I changed my mind while the glue was not entirely set. Anyway, here is part 1 of my adventures magnetising a Screaming Bell:

Step 1 - drill holes where the blind holes for the Rat Ogre and Plague Monks are. Make sure to note which are which. I went all the way through for convenience, the idea being to put green stuff over the magnets afterwards.


Step 2 - insert the magnets. These are 1/8" x 1/16" discs, usual source.


Step 3 - put a spot of paint (solar orange foundation is still my favourite for this) onto the magnets that will connect to the Plague Monks, put the Plague Monks on to get them marked, then drill holes. Note that the holes on the picture look quite ugly - this would be because I first put the magnets the wrong way round and had to force them out (when it would have been so much easier to change the magnets on the board instead, oh well…).


Step 4 - magnets are in.


Steps 5 and 6 - do the same with the Rat Ogre.


December 27, 2009

Magnetised movement trays

Before I speak about the magnetised Screaming Bell (real soon now), here is an idea I was toying with this afternoon:

I'd built four 5x4 movement trays from Games Workshop's modular tray set (they can be seen on the previous post). As the sets are originally 10x10, I was left with a 2x10 piece.

Now the Plague Monks box has got pieces in it to build Censer Bearers, however I'd already built the full 20 that came in the battalion box as standard monks. A quick pop down the shop later, I've got 20 more monks. 10 of these will be Censer Bearers, and the 10 left will join the existing 20 monks. And so to the magnetised movement tray, to cater for my growing troops.

The arrows point to the magnets, they are the 2 x 1 mm disc magnets from

Movement tray

Movement tray detail

Two pieces:

Movement tray

They snap together nicely:

Movement tray

It does hold well, I would think there is little risk of a split whilst moving the trays around on the game board:

Movement tray

December 26, 2009


I'm having trouble getting into IG at the moment, so decided instead to concentrate on all them Skaven I'd bought back in November. All assembled, based and undercoated (although since I sprayed them on a dark and cold evening, there are some misses and quite a bit of frosting). Now onto the Screaming Bell, with magnets.

All of them critters:

All skaven



Plague monks:

Plague monks



Thanquol and Boneripper:

Thanquol and Boneripper

2 rat ogres and a pack master:

Rat ogres and packmaster

Giant rats and pack masters (I've managed to misplace one of my 6 giant rats…)

Giant rats and packmasters

Queek Headtaker and a Warlord I bought earlier this year:

Queek Headtaker and warlord

Now at some point I really ought to be looking at the rules and see what I can do with them…


I'm having trouble getting into IG at the moment, so decided instead to concentrate on all them Skaven I'd bought back in November. All assembled, based and undercoated (although since I sprayed them on a dark and cold evening, there are some misses and quite a bit of frosting). Now onto the Screaming Bell, with magnets.

All of them critters:

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Plague monks:

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Thanquol and Boneripper:

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2 rat ogres and a pack master:

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Giant rats and pack masters (I've managed to misplace one of my 6 giant rats…)

P1020898 - Version 3

Queek Headtaker and a Warlord I bought earlier this year:

P1020897 - Version 4

Now at some point I really ought to be looking at the rules and see what I can do with them…