Another Apocalypse game has come and gone. The pics I took can be found here.
August 14, 2011
A Space Marine
So young Eddie, master organiser of Apocalyptic delights, sent the below to a few of us back in April:
"Hello all. I'm formulating an Apoc formation for Chapter master P-Fisty's honour guard - and I hit upon the idea of getting all my hobby heroes to paint a marine to represent them! As such, if you want too, will you be in my honour guard?
Each marine has artificer armour, a boltgun, bolt pistol and power weapon. You can swap for a relic blade, and also have the option for a auxiliary grenade launcher! All I ask is you paint the right shoulder pad black for me to put the storm legion icon on."
So, below is my contribution. I painted a Space Marine, I feel dirty…
(If anyone is interested I can detail how I painted it, but to first put credit where it is due, I lifted the gold painting method from All Things 40K, and the power sword scheme from From The Warp - except they both do it much better than me).