Gosh these took a while to complete. But with them done, I now only need to paint my Nightbringer to get to 3,000 points and be able to participate in the Apoca-Fez game at the end of July.As per them immortals, they came from eBay. I bought twelve of them around Christmas time last year, in several batches. Some claws were missing, so I’ve ended up with only eleven of the little critters. I’ll look into making some additional claws (either casting or building from green stuff or plasticard, not sure yet) at a later time.After the usual “Age of Bronze” treatment, I painted the fleshy parts with a basecoat of Tallarn Flesh, followed by little marks of Rotting Flesh. To add an overall feeling of decomposition, I added patches of various washes - Thraka Green for moldy bits, Ogryn Flesh for dried blood, and some Baal Red for fresher blood. I painted over the chest symbols with Burnished Gold as per usual, however left the eyes as-is – they’re very receded and I was unsuccessful at spotting them with Scorpion Green.The claws were painted sepately at first (Chaos Black undercoat, then a coat of Boltgun Metal). I glued them on once the bodies were fully painted, touched them up with Boltgun Metal, then washed with Badab Black. I them added Mithril Sliver to the bottom of the blades, and a bit of Baal Red wash on the tips. I finally varnished the lot with Vallejo’s matt varnish (Model Color range).
June 21, 2009
I’d done these a while back, but did not take pictures at the time. I got all of them on eBay, cleaned and dis-assembled them, and then gave them my regular “Age of Bronze” Necron treatment: Chaos Black undercoat, then a dry brush of Dwarf Bronze, followed by a wash of Thraka Green. The eyes were done with Scorpion Green, the chest symbols with Burnished Gold. The bases are black, with a dry brush of Fortress Grey followed by a dry brush of Bleached Bone. I painted the bodies and weapons separately, and glued them together last.
June 20, 2009
Planetstrike preview
Went to the FLGS yesterday to play a game of Planetstrike. There must have been about 15 of us around the table, playing either defender or attacker. The game was brutal on both sides, quite chaotic, and very good fun – even though the two units I deep-striked got flattened very quickly indeed (beware the defender’s missile launchers - large blast template, Str 9 and AP 3 make mince-metal out of freshly deep-striked immortals…). But hey, we (the attackers) won the day regardless, with two of the three objectives (bastions) utterly destroyed and then successfully contested.